Accessibility Statement

We at YYDevelopment understand the need of accessible site for people with disabilities. We have made all efforts to make the site accessible and make the surfing experience easy for the entire population. This site was built according to the guidelines of WCAG standard at AA Level.


Some of the actions we took to make this site accessible:

  • The site content was written in plain language that easy to understand.
  • The on-site navigation is simple and convenient to use.
  • You can browse the site easily using the keyboard keys.
  • We have used HTML5 tags to describe pages structure.
  • The site was optimized and tested in most popular browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, Opera and Safari).
  • The site works well at different screen resolutions and is suitable for working with most smartphones and tablets.
  • We’ve added ALT tags to images on the site to allow screen readers get the description of the image.
  • We’ve added label tags on our site forms to allow screen readers viewers fill the forms with ease.
  • We used the Aria tags to make the browsing experience easier for screen reader visitors.
  • The site team has developed an accessibility plugin that appears at the top of the page on the left and allows for various options such as: increasing the writing, reducing the writing, low contrast (white background and black font) and high contrast (black background and white font).


Barriers to accessibility

It is important to note that despite the many efforts to make the site accessible, there may be pages on the site that have not yet been searched or are not properly accessed. We will continue our efforts to make the site more accessible in order to improve the surfing experience and enable the general population to enjoy this site. If you encounter a page on a site that is not good enough and interfere with your browsing experience, report the problem to us and we will do everything we can to fix it.


Statement Update Date: 18.7.2024